

Nathalia - Alectrona Project & Data Science Team

The program was very good. It was rigorous and I learned a lot. You all were very caring and you were always quick to answer our questions and provide us with your support...

Esin -  Test Automation Student

Great school with  great people teaching! I attended to Test Automation course, I learned a lot from the devoted volunteers. They were supportive and provided mentorship, always had time to answer my questions. We have done great projects during the course. Right before I finish my course, I found a job as an intern. I am glad to be a part of the Codingbook family and want to give huge thanks to all of the awesome volunteers!

Mahmut -  Java & Test Automation Student

This was my first online class and I believe that it was quite a success thanks to CodingBook.org. I did not know what to expect, but you have surely set a very high standard of excellence in online courses. I enjoyed learning through my classmates, being able to ask questions regarding things I deal with on the course, and discovering new sources of information. I enjoyed the class and learned new things and confirmed my knowledge on other things. The instructors were great teachers. Thanks to all the teachers who worked hard during the courses. It was a great experience. I am so glad that CodingBook.org offered this course. I found it very beneficial. I am the one who should thank you CodingBook.org! I really gained a lot and really enjoyed studying with you. 

Elif - Alectrona Project & Data Science Team

 First of all, I am grateful for the hard work ,efforts, support and guidance that you have given me. Our mentor had prepared a very good plan, and we could reach our mentor whenever we wanted. Also, He  prepared us with extra and up to date resources... 

Selin - Alectrona Project  & Test Automation Team

 If you’re thinking about switching your career but are worried about committing to such a big change, try breaking it down into these smaller manageable pieces. CodingBook's self-paced study program and mentorship opportunities will help you to reach your goals.